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The kgit command is helper for some git commands and utilities on repos


The clone function is a wrapper around the CLI git installed in your machine. It will authenticate with your credentials as it’s runing in your shell.

kgit clone

By default, the clone command:
clones the repo to the KOSPEX_CODE/SERVER/ORG/REPO file structure and
syncs the entire git history to the kospex database.

You can confirm the sync by running the following kospex command

kospex list-repos -db

Cloning a list of repos in a file

To clone and sync in bulk you can use the -filename FILENAME switch like: \

kgit clone -filename FILENAME

For example, the contents of the file might look like:
# This is a comment


All bitbucket commands require the credentials to be set The following environment variables are required:

kgit bitbucket -test-auth

This flag will check if the credentials work, display the status and exit.

kgit bitbucket -workspace WORKSPACE

If you want to write all the clone URLs to a file you can use the -out-repo-list FILENAME switch

kgit bitbucket -workspace WORKSPACE -out-repo-list FILENAME

This can be used with the kgit clone -filename switch as shown above.


The github function can interact with both authenticated and public orgs and users.

For authenticated requests the GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN must be set in the environment.

kgit github -test-auth

This -test-auth flag will check if the token (Github PAT) works, display the status and exit.

To list the repos for a user:

kgit github -user USERNAME

For an organisation:

kgit gihub -org ORG OR TEAM