This is the main command to run analysis, sync directories, find orphaned repos, check dependencies, manage groups, health checks and more!
List all the developers in the kospex directory, by default, only those with active commits in the last 90 days.
kospex developers
If you want developers for “all time”, use the -all flag
kospex developers -all
If you need to restrict the search to only in a given domain name / server
kospex developers -server [DOMAIN_NAME]
The deps command queries deps.dev API to get information about libraries in a dependency file
kospex deps -file requirements.txt
The output will be a table with the following columns
- package_name
- package_version
- days_ago : how many days ago this package was published
- published_at : date this package was published
- advisories : number of known security advisories
- default : is this the default version which is installed as of today
- versions_behind : how many versions behind is this version
- source_repo : the git URL for this package if known
- authors : the number of authors, if we’ve synced the source_repo to the kospex DB
The sync command takes all the commit history and adds it to the kospex database.
kospex sync [DIRECTORY]
Most likely, you’ll cd to a repo and then run the following command
kospex sync .
’–no-scc’, is_flag=True, default=False, help=”Skip scc analysis.”
Orphans occur when a repo no longer has someone working in the organisation or team who’s active.
“Experimental feature - Work in Progress.”
All you need to do is run the following command
kospex orphans
This will display a table with the following columns
- _repo_id
- committers
- active
- Orphaned
- % Here
If you want to check for the orphan status of only a subset of repos, you can use the -target-list arguments
kospex orphans -target-list FILE_OF_CLONE_URLS
The format of this file is a git clone URLs, one per line.
‘-days’, type=int, default=90, help=’Committed in X days is considered active.(default 90)’ ‘-window’, type=int, default=365, help=’Days to consider for orphaned repos. (default 365)’ ‘-target-list’, type=click.Path(exists=True), help=”A file containing repos to check.”
This command either lists all the known repos that have been sync’ed to the database or
list the repos found searching a directory path.
By directory
kospex list-repos [DIRECTORY]
From the database
kospex list-repos -db
If you want to restrict the search to a specific server or domain name, use the -server flag \
kospex list-repos -db -server [DOMAIN_NAME]
kospex list-repos -db -server bitbucket.org
Including the Repo ID
Both -db and the filepath option support the -repo_id flag, which returns the repo_id.
The repo_id is used as a key in the format of GIT_SERVER˜OWNER˜REPO
So for the repository https://github.com/kospex/kospex the repo_id would be _github.com˜kospex˜kospex